
Lesedauer < 1 Minute

Our farm is a historic place. Since about 800 years there was a windmill. That’s the reason why call it „Mühlenhof“ today (Mühle = Mill). The roots of our family are here in Grube. So it was something special for us to buy this place in 2005.

Eastern Holstein is a agricultural affected region. When cruising around you can find several estates with interesting historic mansions.

Schleswig-Holstein’s largest archaeological site of the Slavs invites you to an exciting excursion into history at the place of the former Slavic settlement Starigard. Now the village is called „Oldenburg“ (about 10 miles).

Other historic places:

  • historic city of Lübeck (40 miles)
  • viking capital Haithabu 100 miles)
  • Hamburg (60 miles)

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